Various Random Tests by Greggman

1x1 cubemaps

I don't remember why I wrote these. I'm guessing it was for a stackoverflow question.


audio stream test

this is a test to see if analysing audio streams is supported on mobile. As of May 2018 it's not supported on mobile and is in all browsers todo lists but unlikely to ever happen.

The issue is that phones have special hardware to decompress audio to save battery and browsers use that path for audio streams. But, when a user wants to analyse that music the data needs to make it back to the browser after decoding. That would require a custom path that no browser feels like implementing which makes sites that wnat to have auto reactive visuals to streamed music impossible on mobile. Note that mobile can do non-streammed music. Also note by streammed I specifically mean using the <audio> tag. If you want to stream yourself via websockets or something that should work.

that does bring up the idea that since the browser vendors so no interest in fixing this it would be nice if someone came up with a standard and both client and server side libraries to fix this. Soundcloud does this. They don't use the audio tag, they instead do their own streaming. I wonder if it's in their interest to keep that stuff proprietary or if they'd benefit from open sourcing it. My impression from a user level is there is no real sales advantage. Users are not going to choose soundcloud over random music site because of that tech. On the other hand PR wise, leading the way via open source sounds like a win?

In any case you can run this link on your mobile device. If you see a dyanmic graph of the audio then the browser finally started supporting this on mobile.

audio stream test


Some sample of a simple audio library


background canvas

This was for some stackoverflow question but since the answer uses an iframe it needed to be run somewhere else (though you can use a blob on SO).

background canvas draws something in the background.

background canvas interactive shows that the background doesn't get input since it's covered by content.

background canvas interactive iframe shows you can also use an iframe as the background but it also doesn't get input since it's covered by content.

show query

Just parses the url query string and displays it.
