
Rockfall. A game where rocks fall

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How to make a level for Rockfall

  1. Download and install Tiled

  2. Download rockfall-tiles.png (⬅ right click this link and pick Save As..)

  3. Download rockfall-tiles.tsj (⬅ right click this link and pick Save As..)

  4. Run Tiled and click Open File

  5. Select the rockfall-files.tsj file

  6. From the menus pick File->New->New Map…

    Then choose your map size

  7. Create your map.

    1. Select the Stamp Tool
    2. Click tile from the tileset
    3. Draw on the map

  8. From the menus pick File->Save

    Make sure you choose the .tmj JSON format

  9. Go to the Rockfall WebSite

    Drag and Drop the .tmj file onto the game.

Custom Properties

You can add custom properties to set level settings.

  1. From the menus pick Map->Map Properties…

  2. Click the [+] icon under Custom Properties

  3. Specify the name and make sure the type is int or string (see below)

  4. Click the property to edit

Valid properties

property default type description
magicTime 250 int how many ticks the magic walls stay active
diamondPoints 100 int points for collecting diamond
eggPoints 10 int points for collecting egg
dirtPoints 1 int points for digging dirt
requiredCount 15 int count (eggs + diamonds) needed to open exits
timeLimit 1500 int time limit in seconds
author   string your name
license   string default CC-BY (Creative Commons Only Please)
name   string default is filename
description   string  

Note: author, license, and name need to be type string

Setting enemy initial directions

Enemies (👾 🦋 🪲 🦀) have an initial direction. You can set their initial direction in Tiled by using the rotate icon on the toolbar.

Above you can see the enemy tiles have been rotated to set their initial direction. In the map above, the enemies travel around the edge of the cage they’re in. If we didn’t set their initial direction They’d end up all initially trying the same direction and then adjusting to their situation.

With the initial directions set we can get them to go as expected

Please consider submitting your level to this repo

If you know github then you can create a pull request. Otherwise, go to this issue and drag-&-drop your .tmj file