Function makeStructuredView

  • Given a VariableDefinition, create matching TypedArray views


    Returns StructuredView

    TypedArray views for the various named fields of the structure as well as a set function to make them easy to set, and the arrayBuffer

    const code = `
    struct HSL {
    hue: f32,
    sat: f32,
    lum: f32,
    struct MyStorage {
    colors: array<HSL, 4>,
    brightness: f32,
    kernel: array<f32, 9>,
    @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage> myStorage: MyStorage;
    const defs = makeShaderDataDefinitions(code);
    const myUniformValues = makeStructuredView(defs.storages.myStorage);

    colors: [
    { hue: 0.5, sat: 1.0, lum: 0.5 }, // only set the 3rd color
    brightness: 0.8,
    kernel: [
    1, 0, -1,
    2, 0, -2,
    1, 0, -1,

    data definition can come from defs.uniforms.<nameOfUniform>, defs.storages.<nameOfStorage> and defs.structs.<nameOfStruct>.

    What this function does:

    1. It creates an ArrayBuffer of the size equal to the definition passed in (unless you pass in an existing ArrayBuffer)

    2. It makes TypedArray views of to match the definition.

    3. It returns an object with the the ArrayBuffer, the TypedArray views, and a set function which is just a wrapper for setStructView that passes in the views.

    For example: Given a data definition created by makeShaderDataDefinitions for this WGSL

    struct Light {
    lightWorldPosition: vec3f,
    shininess: f32,
    lightDirection: vec3f,
    innerLimit: f32,
    outerLimit: f32,
    struct Uniforms {
    normalMatrix: mat3x3f,
    worldViewProjection: mat4x4f,
    world: mat4x4f,
    color: vec4f,
    viewWorldPosition: vec3f,
    lights: array<Light, 3>,
    @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> myUniforms: Uniforms;

    makeStructuredView(defs.uniforms.myUniforms) would return this

    const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(368)
    const views = {
    normalMatrix: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 0, 12),
    worldViewProjection: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 48, 16),
    world: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 112, 16),
    color: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 176, 4),
    viewWorldPosition: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 192, 3),
    lights: [
    lightWorldPosition: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 208, 3),
    shininess: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 220, 1),
    lightDirection: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 224, 3),
    innerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 236, 1),
    outerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 240, 1),
    lightWorldPosition: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 256, 3),
    shininess: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 268, 1),
    lightDirection: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 272, 3),
    innerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 284, 1),
    outerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 288, 1),
    lightWorldPosition: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 304, 3),
    shininess: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 316, 1),
    lightDirection: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 320, 3),
    innerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 332, 1),
    outerLimit: new Float32Array(arrayBuffer, 336, 1),
    mode: new Uint32Array(UniformsValues, 352, 1),
    result = {
    set(data: any) {
    setStructuredView(data, views.views);

    From this, you can see you can set the value in the array buffer for any field/member/property directly. Example

    result.views.lights[2].lightDirection.set([7, 8, 9]);
    result.views.lights[2].innerLimit[0] = 4;

    set just takes a JS object and matches property names to the view names.

    color: [1, 1, 0, 1],
    viewWorldPosition: [12, 34, 56],
    mode: 8,

    Is equivalent to

    result.views.color.set([1, 1, 0, 1]);
    result.views.worldViewPosition.set([12, 34, 56]);
    result.views.mode[0] = 8;

    Further, set is just a short cut for setStructuredView passing in the root result'views.

    So, for example, if you want to set the light at index 2, this would work.

    lightWorldPosition: [1, 2, 3],
    shininess: 4,
    lightDirection: [5, 6, 7],
    innerLimit: 8,
    outerLimit: 9,
    }, result.views.lights[2]);