Type Alias StructuredView

StructuredView: ArrayBufferViews & { set(data: any): void }

Type declaration

  • set:function
    • Sets the contents of the TypedArrays based on the data passed in Note: The data may be sparse


      const code = `
      struct HSL {
      hue: f32,
      sat: f32,
      lum: f32,
      struct MyStorage {
      colors: array<HSL, 4>,
      brightness: f32,
      kernel: array<f32, 9>,
      @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage> myStorage: MyStorage;
      const defs = makeShaderDataDefinitions(code);
      const myUniformValues = makeStructuredView(defs.storages.myStorage);

      colors: [
      { hue: 0.5, sat: 1.0, lum: 0.5 }, // only set the 3rd color
      brightness: 0.8,
      kernel: [
      1, 0, -1,
      2, 0, -2,
      1, 0, -1,


      • data: any

      Returns void