Function createCylinderVertices

  • Creates cylinder vertices. The cylinder will be created around the origin along the y-axis.


    • params: {
          bottomCap: undefined | boolean;
          height: undefined | number;
          radialSubdivisions: undefined | number;
          radius: undefined | number;
          topCap: undefined | boolean;
          verticalSubdivisions: undefined | number;
      } = {}
      • bottomCap: undefined | boolean

        Create bottom cap. Default = true.

      • height: undefined | number

        Height of cylinder. Default = 1

      • radialSubdivisions: undefined | number

        The number of subdivisions around the cylinder. Default = 24

      • radius: undefined | number

        Radius of cylinder. Default = 1

      • topCap: undefined | boolean

        Create top cap. Default = true.

      • verticalSubdivisions: undefined | number

        The number of subdivisions down the cylinder. Default = 1

    Returns Arrays

    The created vertices.

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