Function createTruncatedConeVertices

  • Creates vertices for a truncated cone, which is like a cylinder except that it has different top and bottom radii. A truncated cone can also be used to create cylinders and regular cones. The truncated cone will be created centered about the origin, with the y axis as its vertical axis. .


    • params: {
          bottomCap?: boolean;
          bottomRadius?: number;
          height?: number;
          radialSubdivisions?: number;
          topCap?: boolean;
          topRadius?: number;
          verticalSubdivisions?: number;
      } = {}
      • OptionalbottomCap?: boolean

        Create bottom cap. Default = true.

      • OptionalbottomRadius?: number

        Bottom radius of truncated cone. Default = 1

      • Optionalheight?: number

        Height of truncated cone. Default = 1

      • OptionalradialSubdivisions?: number

        The number of subdivisions around the truncated cone. Default = 24

      • OptionaltopCap?: boolean

        Create top cap. Default = true.

      • OptionaltopRadius?: number

        Top radius of truncated cone. Default = 0

      • OptionalverticalSubdivisions?: number

        The number of subdivisions down the truncated cone. Default = 1

    Returns Arrays

    The created cone vertices.